Super Vachement Vite

⨳On Air

Super Vachement Vite
by Christophe Rault & Olivier Chevillon

17 December 2021 20:00 On Air

We are now after Jesus Christ. The great interstellar boss, who likes to observe the planet Earth from afar, feels that it could disappear at any moment. Therefore, he decides to send two interstellar agents to make a “sound history of humanity in 4 minutes” and thus keep a souvenir of this very special planet.

Will Albertine and Poulycroc be able to execute their mission before the probable and imminent atomisation of the blue planet? And this, in a professional way? To each his version of beauty. Or of work well done.

Super Vachement Vite is a radio drama between absurd comedy and lucid tragedy. It’s a wacky play with a story that wants to make you smile while looking straight into the hole of our twilight era.

With: Agnès Régolo, Isabelle Mouchard, Alberto Rabouli, Fabrice Dupuis, Phabrice Petitdemange and Tulian Bopart.
Scenario: Olivier Chevillon.
Direction & edit: OL & CR.
Music: Laurent Boudin & Tulian Bopart.
Mix: Christophe Rault (Studio MIMA)

A production “Tube à essai” with Babelfish & the support of Atelier de Création Sonore Radiophonique and Fond d’Aide à la Création Radiophonique (federation Wallonia-Brussels.


Rault & Chevillon - Super Vachement Vite
Phonurgia Nova Awards 2021Carp Diem 2022