

Text Alain Damasio & Floriane Pochon
Audio-edit Floriane Pochon

What do you lose when you lose your time?

Montreuil, Beaumonts Park

Montreuil, Beaumonts Park. The skittish trunks wrapped up in a leaf sheath. The white-gray Lego of Eastern Paris seen through the badly outstretched fingers of branches…

Phaune Radio takes you by the end to turn you away in this natural sensitive – highly sensitive – space. Stolen time and split seconds for a a stroll facing the City and its possible emancipation.

(Listen with your headphones)

A sonic drift specially conceived by Phaune Radio with Alain Damasio for the series of exhibitions “How to build a universe that will not collapse two days later?” by Marie Koch and Vladimir Demoule, for the Maison Populaire.

With the voices of Floriane Pochon, Alain Damasio, Christophe Rault and the precious complicity of Clément Baudet.


Phaunoscopie #3 : ResiliencesPhaunoscopie #4 : Spaces