Paysages Composés 2024

⨳Listening Session

Paysages Composés

20th September 2024 19:00 Le Ciel, Grenoble

A highlight of creation, research and encounter, at the crossroads between sound ecology and research music, between sound experiments and listening experiences of the environment.

APNÉES invites you to the crossroads of very diverse disciplines, ranging from ecoacoustics to sound arts, from urban planning to sound technologies, to finally make you discover the multiple manifestations and implications of soundscapes within contemporary creation.

Conferences, workshops, sound installations, sound walks, screenings, concerts, performances, listening sessions: so many possible ways to approach, understand, imagine, preserve, transform the sound environments in which we are immersed on a daily basis.

Multiple access points to activate an attentive listening experience that also carries ecological reflection, in order to reveal the specificities and fragilities of spaces in transition in the era of the Anthropocene.

On the occasion of the PAYSAGES | COMPOSÉS, APNÉES and Radio Campus Grenoble join forces for an evening of immersion and experimentation, between live performances and listening. During an electronic nap, Goupile immerses us in sound spaces that provide refuge, cabins where we can take shelter together. A respite, before pushing back the boundaries of the audible to welcome the echoes of the world: so many ways of being alive, revealed by the astonishing Phaune Radio. Finally, from the chaos of electromagnetic waves, Pali Meursault brings out unstable and transient patterns, moments of trance that end up returning to the thickness of noise.


Paysages Composés 2024
Soundwalk Mont-DauphinRêves Voltes – Lyon