Earigami #10: Rooftop


#10: Rooftop

Rec & Edit: Floriane Pochon

The end is where we start from.

TS Eliot

June 2022, London, UK

On the other side, settling in a back Channel, we end this season by leaning on the mineral and glazed heights of the city.
There, under a scraping sky, in a hanging garden, it’s simmer time.

Between 12 towers, dizzying stopover in Shoreditch, London.

Just as a matter of never forgetting again the scent of the earth, the shimmering curls of the winds, the buoyant reflections of the flowing waters, the wisdom of the wild grasses, the patience of the clouds. Just as a matter of never forgetting the possible lines of flight on the ridges, the horizontal song of the sea, the powerful joy of thunderstorms, the scraps of the sky open between the branches. Just to remember, along the way, that everything is already there.

Simply, for that, Phaune Radio takes the time to make way: capturing the forces present and search for a dazzling opening of the horizon. Together, for even an instant, the space of a sound moment made of passages and folds, listening to what begins and what ends.

Earigami, every month, like a game, a ritual of multiplying dimensions and perspectives, tuning in every other end of the world, on the edges, at the fringes, in between, to get to know otherwise. So inside, out, in the present. Among others.

 [] BP4025 + Zoom H6


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