Mantra’ck #10


Safe & Sound

Text Alain Damasio
Audio-edit Floriane Pochon

To those who...

Are u sure to be alive?

“To those who have rusted, stuck in a bus,
Those who have rousted every day a little more,
Who know what an acid drop does on bare skin,

To the elders who committed suicide, riddled under the downpour
To the younger who have done the opposite, neither dirty nor wet,
and who died of thirst in a dry apartment.

To those who would rather rot than run,
Still water that runs deep rather still water that runs high,
To those who took care of the roof – and others
To those who slack then slake the downpour, at any age,
those who dropped the leak,
got their boots to kick their butt,
composted their dungs and recycled their juice,

To those who believed in mushrooms,
who grew lichen on the walls,
who, with no fear checked their sources,
studied what mutates, grafted what resists,

To those who have gone through the drops,
the crusts, the pus, the disgust, the rout,

To those who didn’t know enough to come in out of the rain,
who tell their stories by saying “and then …”
Who tell it day after day, night after night,

To those who take the plunge and air their pores,
sometimes play with fire or stay down-to-earth,

To all those who, by a miracle, can hear me
On a station, a talkie, their antenna, somewhere,

This is a call from my pirate radio,
This is a call to all the towers, the apartments, the shacks,
To all cars, shops, shelters, squats,

This is a bottle in the sea, wherever you are,
This is a call to the wind, to all of you …

You are the survivors, I am listening to you.”

Last sound shot to learn how to survive in a world that has only begun. For the use of those who have the good taste of not being dead yet, a radiophonic puzzle in 10 pieces with the words of Alain Damasio for Phaune Radio, to be found on the Internet and the waves of our FM mates.

FEATURING: Alain Damasio, Aliocha, Stéphane Jourdan


Mantra’ck #9Tiny Tunes