Vrombi April 15, 2013 By Floriane No Comments ⨳Creation VROMBIBy Amélie Agut Mindtrip Nocturnal mindtrip in marshland. Orders, disorders, and uncertain presences hidden in the shadows. Partager NUIT DE LA PHAUNE #7
Headphaune #5 with Sophie Berger Headphaune #5 with Sophie Berger anemptytextlline "Leaving room for sounds & landscapes" Game of Phaune #3 Game of Phaune #3 anemptytextlline Obliques • With Jeanne Debarsy Storytellers On Air Storytellers On Air anemptytextlline Starting point, tipping point... Symphony of Stars Symphony of Stars anemptytextlline With Sylvie Vauclair Ear Worms Ear Worms anemptytextlline Viral tunes & auricular persistences What The Phaune #3 What The Phaune #3 anemptytextlline Dissident Listening