Phonurgia Nova Awards 2022

⨳On Air

Special Evening

Thursday 1st December 2022 From 20:00 On Air

Echoing the 27th edition of the Phonurgia Nova Awards, Phaune Radio is delighted to share with you the prize list 2022, during 1 special evening.


Prize List

Gillis Van der Wee & Lotte Nijsten, Obscuur
(17’37, production ACSR, Belgique)

>| Prix Découvertes Pierre Schaeffer
Beneath the surface of the city lies a world of hidden sounds. Transformed and shaped by the inner structures of the city, these sounds are the echo’s of urban life. If we listen carefully, we can hear the rhythms and flows of the city resonating through the acoustic spaces of the underground. Obscuur is a collection of sound poems that reflects on the urban underground and the practice of listening in a world where everything is visual. We invite you to listen carefully to the sounds of darkness.

_ Gillis focuses on the fragile relationship between sound and music. He works notably as a freelance sound designer and composer for films and theatre. His work has won prizes at Bozar and the Semaine du Son. _ Lotte is a documentary filmmaker who is interested in the relationship between humans and natural landscapes. In 2020, her play Noëlla was nominated for the Prix Europa.

Pascale Brischoux, Evenements
(17’07, Cineke asbl et ACSR (Belgique))

>| Prix Fictions Sonores
A woman recounts a day of rioting. She remembers her journey through the sweltering city, the crowd rising like a wave, the current sweeping everything away. Fear, panic, joy. From inside the fray, she tells us about the events that set her town ablaze.

_ Pascale Brischoux studied directing at INSAS. After working as an assistant director in the cinema, she is now a director for television and radio.

Louis-Olivier Desmarais, Rainbow Odyssey : La rédemption
(18’37, autoproduction, Canada)

>| Prix Art Sonore
Delusions of a Y, somewhere between the symphonic poem and the trailer of a B-movie. Before starting to listen, do not forget to fasten your seat belt and identify the nearest emergency exits. May my sins be forgiven, may light shine in the darkness. Praise the Lord. Amen.

_ Sound artist based in Montreal, Louis-Olivier likes to navigate between different creative playgrounds without, however, ever leaving the sound medium..

Phonurgia Nova Awards 2022
Iga Vandenhove, Las voces del bosque Madidi
(23’39, autoproduction, France)

>| Prix Field Recording
In the Madidi National Park in the Bolivian Amazon, the voices of the forest mingle with the rounds of forest rangers. Between drone and swarm of bees, cry of squirrel and motorized canoe, vocalizations of frogs and tangled melodic voices, the worlds merge. The sound piece offers a plastic exploration of an inhabited nature in a country where beyond being a landscape or a resource, it is recognized as a subject of law.

_ Multimedia artist, documentary filmmaker and graphic designer, Iga Vandenhove relies on sound and visual polysemy to question the role played by our imaginations in the apprehension of our environment.

Anne-Julie Rollet & Anne-Laure Pigache, Espace Ici
(35’, Les Harmoniques du Néon, France)

>| Prix Archive de la Parole
In May 2022 we were welcomed in residence in the EHPAD Jos Jullien in Joyeuse (07). We have set up a listening and sound creation studio there. We walked around the place with our recorders. We discussed life here and now at the EHPAD, its rhythm, its social and emotional relationships. Often the past came back or rather a suspended time, whose logic sometimes escapes us. We keep traces of these intense encounters through a sound piece.

_ Anne-Julie Rollet (electroacoustics) and Anne-Laure Pigache (vocalist), associate artists within the Harmoniques du Néon.


Bird Workshop • With Vinciane DespretFélix Blume • Steal the Silence