CoMute #6: Train

⨳Sonic Trips

#6: Train

Rec & Edit: Floriane Pochon • Archive: Gaston Bachelard

... In our lucid reverie, a sort of floral mutation.

Gaston Bachelard

February 2023, Train, France

Since between 2 stops, daydreams are easier than it steams, we could let ideas grow between the lines, along the voices. Sail happily from the station after to that of yesterday, to derail time and go back on tracks.

From quay to quay, quintessence of daydreams and coughing fits to quarter turns, here we find the thread and we needle ourselves thanks to the cat. We let you choose the right path. Make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.

For its tenth season of podcasts, Phaune Radio transports you to the joy of a mutating reality where space-time could well expand.
Rarely one-way voice, sense of disorientation and just passing frequencies…
Don’t miss the connections!

⇒ A new trip every 13th of the month, to experience and share.

 [] Ambeo
Listening with headphones recommended • Binaural recordings



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