CoMute#9: Barque, avec Marguerite Duras

CoMute #9: Barque

⨳Sonic Trips

#9: Barque

Rec & Edit: Floriane Pochon • Archive: Marguerite Duras

Let the world go to ruin,
it's the only policy.

Marguerite Duras

May 2023, Paris, France

Since the news is not always good at the masthead, we could learn to stay in the knots with our soulmast. Navigate in troubled waters and let ourselves float by using our oars to follow the swaying voice of Marguerite Duras, until the ice cubes melt and the laughter bursts.

Wavering of reality, chilling in the battleship and eddies against the current for a submersive episode.

With the participation of Stéphane Jourdan.

For its tenth season of podcasts, Phaune Radio transports you to the joy of a mutating reality where space-time could well expand.
Rarely one-way voice, sense of disorientation and just passing frequencies…
Don’t miss the connections!

⇒ A new trip every 13th of the month, to experience and share.

 [] Ambeo
Headphones recommended • Binaural recordings



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