Game of Phaune avec Fernand Deroussen

Game of Phaune #5


Explorer's dream: With Fernand Deroussen

Rec: Fernand Deroussen

Giants' breath

Today, we are tuning in with the powerful breath of the wild, carried by the sigh of the giants.
It is the great master of audio-naturalism, Fernand Deroussen who does us the immense honor of this exploration.
With him, we get closer to the different voices that make up the rich song of our planet. With him, we dream for a few moments, or even better, we come back straight to this reality that we will never listen to enough in its magnitude.
To delight your ears, it’s Game of Phaune 5, with Fernand Deroussen.

You can find some of Fernand Deroussen’s creations in the Phaune Radio’s stream, and on his website

For its seventh podcast season, Phaune Radio keeps playing around with everything.
A game then, a game of cards and maps: hidden treasures for the eyes, but pearls for the ears, it’s up to you to see… It’s up to you to guess where the sounds take you!
Immersion, clues and decryption: an exploration at the very heart of the enigma of the living, guided by soundscapes lovers, to relate a place and find a bond.
In short, activate listening: take care and give joy.


Game of Phaune #4The Bear Minimum