Tiny Tunes: H2O
Metamorphoses: H2O
Rec & Edit: Floriane Pochon
Individually, we are one drop.
Tiny Tunes From The Wilder World
Together, we are an ocean.
― Ryunosuke Satoro
Beyond the scum of noises, let’s ride on the wave of the living and its metamorphoses. This time, we’ll flow through all of the physical states of water.
Huge ocean, delicate frost, tragic glacier, open sources, drag and drops, alternative currents and very high ebbs ands flows, whatever it takes to rise your self of steam.
Come hell or high water, condensed cycle of a fluid identity that refuses to stagnate.
On this stage, everything is possible.
Tiny Tunes from the Wilder World, a series of sound miniatures for currently overflowing ears.