Polyphaune #9 : Poils Rats – Live @Monophonic Festival, Brussels June 13, 2014 By Floriane No Comments Those that resist Read More
What The Phaune #9 What The Phaune #9 anemptytextlline Psychonaut • John Cage What The Phaune #8 What The Phaune #8 anemptytextlline Avalanche • Queyras Phaunoscopie #6 : Think with Animals Phaunoscopie #6 : Think with Animals anemptytextlline What if it was dancing..? Canis Lupus Belgicus Canis Lupus Belgicus anemptytextlline Radio Investigation by Irvic D'Olivier & Guillaume Abgrall What The Phaune #1 What The Phaune #1 anemptytextlline Myco-dozing Espaces Evasifs Espaces Evasifs anemptytextlline Wild Listening • Jardin des Plantes