Storytellers On Air

⨳Creation, Live


By Floriane Pochon & Pépito Matéo

Starting point, tipping point...

...Point of no return, meeting point, point of contact...

On November 5th 2016,11 fabulous storytellers invited you to a special and unique experience. Here, there, live on stage at André Malraux Theatre and everywhere else on air…

Now you can listen online this magical night, and come aboard with Ulysses, disappear into the belly of the whale, come back right in the middle of Tahrir Square.

Phaune Radio opens up the doors of its cabinet of sound curiosities and Pépito Matéo takes overs : signalling errors and spatio-temporal drifts guaranteed.

ON STAGE : Simon Gauthier, Pépito Matéo, Mélancolie Motte, Frédéric Naud, Francine Vidal, Olivier Villanove, Alice Noureux, Floriane Pochon.

ON AIR : Rachid Bouali, Jihad Darwiche & Christophe Modica.

TEAM : David Mastretta, Philippe Vichery (Lights), Baptiste Douaud (Scenography), Alain Seigneuret & Fabien Joubert (Sound), Frédéric Houguet (Stage management), Valérie Briffod & Véronique Montredon (Maison du Conte). In partnership with Radio Escapades

Headphaune #4 with Christophe RaultHeadphaune #5 with Sophie Berger