Phaunoscopie #6 : Think with Animals


Think with Animals

With Vinciane Despret

Interview Clément Baudet
Press Review Stéphane Jourdan
Audio-edit Floriane Pochon

What if it was dancing...?

Feel otherwise

Dare to ask another question – Dare to move, to learn how to feel differently.

This time, Vinciane Despret is there to shuffle our idea’s cards. To suggest a new starting point, which is precisely never where you expect it. To pave the way together, between humans and non-humans.

Between ethology and philosophy of science, it is mainly an art of a careful thought, listening to anything that vibrates and evolves that is at stake, here and now.

And what if it was dance that we should learn?

WITH REAL PIECE OF: Oleg Kostrow, Inventors. Main Theme Flute.

Phaunoscopie #5 : Swarm IntelligencesPhaunoscopie #7 : Reconnect to the wild