Tiny Tunes: Flash Flood


Metamorphoses: Flash Flood

Rec & Edit: Floriane Pochon

There are many forms of thirst

Tiny Tunes From The Wilder World

You should not see the desert simply as some faraway place of little rain.
There are many forms of thirst.

― William Langewiesche

From the top of the dunes, in the grandiose simplicity of shapes, one can contemplate these horizons that seem to await us. But in this plain immensity of the desert, crossed only by few cold-blooded creatures or equipped with a solid shell, can we predict the magnitude and power of the consequences of a storm, several hundred kilometers away?
Within a few hours, the most arid landscape can overflow, swallowed by a fiery water that runs down the slopes, gathers every little brook, and swells with all that it finds on its way. Clay, sand, mud, vegetal or mineral debris, everything is swept away by the fury of the moving waters. But even in its most violent excesses, it is the living that prevails.

At the same time speed and precipitation, straightforward journey of a flash flood in an open desert.
On this stage, everything is possible.

Tiny Tunes From The Wilder World, a series more or less mainstream.


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