Canis Lupus Belgicus
By Irvic D'Olivier & Guillaume Abgrall
Portrait in its absence of an emerging animal
Radio investigation
They come from Germany, France, Italia. They travel dozens of kilometers each night. Have the wolves crossed our borders? Is Belgium ready? What would you do if you spotted a wolf?
“Canis Lupus Belgicus”, a radio investigation following the trails of the wolves in Wallonia.
Production ACSR (2016). With the support of the ‘Fonds d’Aide à la Création Radiophonique (Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles)’.
THANKS TO : Yves Fagniart, Olivier Meys, Aurélien Lebourg, Bouvy Family and the inhabitants of Sainte-Cécile, Isabelle Tonglet (image).