⨳On Air REVEIL 2023 With SoundtentFrom 6th to 7th May 2023 From 6:00 On air • Worldwide On Dawn Chorus Day, Reveil will make its tenth annual day-long loop of earth, travelling west on live audio feeds sent in by streamers around sunrise. Reveil brings us together at a distance around its ephemeral streams from [...]

Equinox Automne

⨳On Air Equinox Autumn 202223-24 September 2022 From 06:00am On Air • Worldwide For this new equinox, Phaune Radio makes you switch celestial hemisphere and reverse the hours in its stream. The day becomes night and vice versa, during a crop circle of the dial.. Share

Wild Listening

⨳Listening Session Wild Listening Evasive SpacesEvery Saturday, from 9th July to 27th August 2022 • 15:00 • Jardin des Plantes, Muséum D'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France The Garden is this evasive space where we can escape all these kinds of things that invade us – a place where our clandestine hopes can be inspired by the [...]


⨳On Air REVEIL 2022 With SoundtentFrom 30 April to 1st May 2022 From 6:00 On air • Worldwide Reveil is a 24+1 hr radio broadcast that follows sunrise around the earth on Dawn Chorus Day, travelling west on live audio streams sent in by streamers at daybreak from their locations. Reveil brings city yards, remote [...]

Anthropocene Radio

⨳Festival Anthropocene School Lyon Urban School 24th January 2022 12:30 & 20:30 Lyon The 4th edition of the week "At the Anthropocene School" -an open, sensitive, citizen university on global change - took place from January 24 to 30, 2022 at the Rize, in Villeurbanne. 1• ANTHROPOCENE RADIO / CONVERSATION : ACOUSTIC SIGNALS FOR WILDLIFE [...]


⨳On air SOUNDSCAPES Listen, Explore, Rewild 8th April 2020 6-10 pm On Air To celebrate the release of "Soundscapes" on iOS, Phaune Radio and Inookta invite you to discover a special program on April 8th from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. Soundscapes is a mobile application, a unique treasure chest for hundreds of recordings and creations [...]

Nuit#Couchée 3 – Pau

⨳Live, On Air NUIT COUCHEE #3 WITH ENSEMBLE 015th June 2019 • From 23:00 • Centrifugeuse, Pau & On Air 7 radio and musical creations for a full night of mysteries... Phaune Radio surveys with its microphones the territories of the invisible following the Gendarme Tizané, for "Dormance". Little homemade haunts and great thrill for [...]

Bivouac Radio 2018

⨳Festival BIVOUAC RADIO 2018 Topsy-turvy World20-21 Avril 2018 | Ganges, Sauve • On Air On which side of the mirror are we today? But what kind of world are we living in? Fourth Radio Bivouac with the Théâtre Albarède : Escapades and Phaune invite you to switch to the parallel universes that the radio knows so well how [...]


⨳Live on Air NUIT COUCHÉE With ENSEMBLE 019th May 2017 • From 23:00 • Centrifugeuse, Pau & On Air For a whole night, you are invited to lie down in relative darkness and enjoy 7 hours of sound creation specially designed for this occasion by five guest artists: Alfredo Costa Monteiro, Dominique Balaÿ, Marc Namblard, [...]